How We Rate Practices

To be included on CrimeSolutions, practices undergo a seven-step review and evidence-rating process. On this page you'll find details of each step in this process. You also will find information on how and when we determine to re-review a Practice.

[note 1] Scores for elements in each dimension are combined and then weighted according to their importance to arrive at an Overall Quality score.

[note 2], [note 3]  

Effective, single study

A single study icon is used to identify practice outcomes that have been subjected to one meta-analysis. 

Effective, multiple studies

A multiple studies icon is used to represent a greater extent of evidence supporting the evidence rating. The icon depicts practice outcomes that have more than one meta-analysis in the evidence base demonstrating effects in a consistent direction.

Date Modified: June 8, 2021

The publication date cutoff for eligible meta-analysis has been changed form 1990 to 2000. At least 50 percent of the studies included in the meta-analysis now must be published or otherwise available on or after 2000.

Date Published: September 7, 2022