How We Rate Programs

Flowchart showing the process or reviewing and rating a program's evidence of effects on CrimeSolutions
Reviewing and Rating Intervention Evidence (View larger image.)

To be included on CrimeSolutions, programs undergo an eight-step review and evidence-rating process, and potentially a re-review under certain circumstances.

Effective, single study

[note 1] A single-study icon is used to identify programs that have been evaluated with a single sample. A study based on a single sample may produce multiple publications; however, it will receive a single study icon because it was a single study sample.

Effective, multiple studies

A multiple-studies icon is used to depict programs that have been evaluated with more than one sample. The icon depicts programs that have more than one study in the evidence base that demonstrates effects in a consistent direction. Thus, there is greater evidence supporting the rating because with each replication it becomes less likely the results were due to something other than the program.

Date Modified: June 4, 2021

Under step four, Initial Evidence Screening, the publication date for a study to be considered for expert review, the date of publication must be 2000 or later.

Date Published: June 4, 2021